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Jennifer Toure is a London-based luxury event planner offering bespoke services in the UK & France. This French-born entrepreneur has been featured in High Profile Magazine and GTeX.

With over 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry, she has earned a solid reputation in her field and has been invited at the Corporate Women in Leadership 2020 Summit as a guest speaker.

Working with select clients and celebrities, she delivers nothing short of excellence. This ambitious mom of two currently manages Excelling In Hospitality and Etincelle Bespoke Events which she founded in 2019.

Jennifer is available to:

  • share expert knowledge

  • provide training and mentoring services

  • participate in interviews, podcasts and articles

Interviews & Publications


The Importance of Work-Life Balance

Invited as a guest speaker to this conference - together with other professionals - I have been given the opportunity to share my expertise on this crucial topic. You will benefit from my essential tips and advice to identify and address the most common issues and bad habits.


The Bespoke Event Planner Committed to Delivering Excellence

In the following interview with High Profile Magazine - which focuses on personal and business branding - you will find out how I became an entrepreneur, the challenges I faced and my step-by-step event planning journey…


How to Bring Great Customer Service and Luxury to Your Bespoke Events

In this interview with Simone Vincenzi - entrepreneur, author and international speaker - I give advice on how to provide excellent service, jaw-dropping experiences and solve unexpected situations quickly…


10 Reasons Why You Should Hire an Event Planner if You Want a Perfect Wedding

This is my first written article published on GTeX blog. I give you a thorough understanding of the event planner role and explain why hiring one can be time-saving and make a huge difference…